Manslaughter Defense Attorney Oklahoma City: First & Second Degree Charges


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An Oklahoma City manslaughter defense attorney specializes in representing individuals facing charges of first degree (voluntary) manslaughter or second degree (involuntary) manslaughter in the State of Oklahoma. Manslaughter is a homicide that occurs without premeditated intent, but in the "heat of passion" or during the commission of a misdemeanor. A manslaughter defense attorney has a thorough understanding of Oklahoma's criminal laws, forensic evidence, and criminal court procedures. They use this legal knowledge to protect their client's rights throughout the criminal process. The defense attorney is responsible for evaluating the case, investigating the details of the case, counseling their client, developing a legal defense strategy, negotiating potential plea bargains or lesser charges, and representing the client at trial. Criminal defense attorneys in Oklahoma employ various legal strategies to defend their clients against manslaughter charges. These include demonstrating the act was committed in the heat of passion, challenging the identity of the perpetrator, and demonstrating that the act occurred while resisting a criminal attempt.

Hiring a manslaughter defense attorney in Oklahoma City involves researching potential candidates, scheduling initial consultations, assessing each attorney's expertise and experience, verifying their credentials, and finalizing an agreement with the selected attorney. At the Law Offices of Adam R. Banner we have a strong track record of success in fighting manslaughter charges for our clients.

pic of a wrecked car from manslaughter case in OKC

What Does a Manslaughter Defense Attorney Do?

An Oklahoma manslaughter defense attorney protects and advocates for their client's rights throughout the legal process. Criminal defense attorneys provide critical services to their clients, including evaluating the details of the case, conducting an independent investigation, counseling the client regarding their legal options, developing a defense strategy, negotiating potential plea bargains, and representing the client during trial.

The services performed by a manslaughter defense attorney for their client are listed below.

  • Case Evaluation
  • Independent Investigation
  • Client Counseling
  • Defense Strategy
  • Negotiation
  • Trial Preparation and Representation

A manslaughter defense lawyer's role in protecting their client's rights and ensuring a fail trial involves evaluating the case, investigating the details and circumstances of the case, counseling their client, developing a defense strategy, negotiating a plea bargain or lesser charges on behalf of their client, and representing their client in a formal trial.

Case Evaluation

A manslaughter defense lawyer assesses the details of the case by reviewing police reports, witness statements, and forensic evidence to understand the circumstances surrounding the manslaughter charges. The attorney scrutinizes the prosecution's evidence to identify inconsistencies, potential biases, and weaknesses in the state's case. This comprehensive review helps the attorney to identify effective defense strategies, such as demonstrating a lack of intent, arguing self-defense, or highlighting mitigating factors that could reduce the severity of the charges. The defense attorney builds a defense tailored to the specifics of their client's manslaughter case, while ensuring their rights are protected and working towards the best possible outcome in court.

Perform an Independent Investigation

A defense lawyer conducts their own investigation in manslaughter cases by interviewing witnesses in order to uncover new information or verify existing testimonies. They attorney analyzes forensic evidence, such as autopsy reports, DNA findings, and crime scene data, to identify inconsistencies or alternative explanations that could support the defense. Physical evidence, like weapon analysis and blood splatter patterns, are used to reconstruct the events leading to the death. The purpose of this investigation is to uncover exculpatory evidence, challenge the prosecution's case, and build a compelling defense strategy tailored to the specifics of the manslaughter charges. The defense lawyer performs this investigation to ensure that all possible defense strategies are explored, ensuring their client's rights are protected in court.

Client Counseling

A manslaughter defense lawyer advises their client on legal options by explaining the different defense strategies available in the context of manslaughter charges. This includes discussing the nuances of potential defense strategies such as self-defense, accidental death, or provocation. The attorney outlines the potential outcomes of each strategy, such as reduced charges, plea bargains, or the likelihood of acquittal, based on the specifics of their client's case and the available evidence. The attorney ensures the client understands the legal process, from arraignment through trial and potential appeals, by breaking down each step in the criminal justice system. This includes explaining court procedures, evidentiary rules, and the roles of various legal entities, such as the judge, jury, and prosecution. The attorney empowers their client to make informed decisions about their defense and prepares them for the legal journey ahead, ensuring their rights are protected and they are actively involved in their defense strategy.

Developing a Defense Strategy

The attorney develops a legal defense strategy based on the specific circumstances of the manslaughter case by reviewing all available evidence and facts. Attorneys commonly enlist strategies such as challenging the evidence of recklessness or negligence, establishing an alibi, or claiming their client acted in self-defense when defending a client against manslaughter charges. These defense strategies involve analyzing the prosecution's claims and identifying errors or inconsistencies in the presentation of the facts. This is accomplished using methods such as questioning the credibility of witnesses, disputing forensic evidence, or presenting alternative explanations for the killing.

Negotiating on the Clients Behalf

A manslaughter defense attorney negotiates with the prosecution on behalf of their client to reduce the charges against their client or to lessen the sentence their client may face. For manslaughter cases, this often involves negotiating for lesser charges, such as involuntary manslaughter, instead of voluntary manslaughter or murder. The defense attorney presents mitigating factors, such as the defendant's lack of prior criminal history, evidence of provocation, or the absence of intent to kill, to persuade the prosecution to agree to a plea deal. The defense attorney creates leverage to secure more favorable terms for their client by demonstrating weaknesses in the prosecution's case or emphasizing the potential challenges of securing a conviction.

Trial Preparation and Representation

The attorney prepares for representation at trial by thoroughly reviewing all evidence, formulating legal arguments, and finalizing their defense strategy. For manslaughter charges, preparation includes examining police reports, forensic evidence, and witness statements to identify strengths and weaknesses in the prosecution's case. The attorney also files motions to exclude inadmissible evidence, seeks expert testimony, and prepares the defendant for trial.

The attorney represents their client in court by presenting opening statements, cross-examining the prosecution's witnesses to challenge their credibility and the accuracy of their testimony, questioning inconsistencies, highlighting biases, and presenting alternative interpretations of the facts. The attorney calls defense witnesses, including character witnesses and experts, to support the client's version of events. Throughout the trial, the attorney makes objections to improper questions and evidence from the prosecution, ensuring the client's rights are protected and the trial is conducted fairly. Finally, the attorney delivers closing arguments, summarizing the key points of the defense, and urging the jury to find reasonable doubt regarding the defendant's guilt. The goal is to present a compelling case that persuades the jury to acquit the defendant or secure the most favorable outcome if a conviction is likely.

What Strategies Do Defense Attorneys Use to Defend Against Manslaughter Charges?

Manslaughter defense lawyers employ various strategies to help their clients facing charges of manslaughter in Oklahoma. These defense strategies include demonstrating that the act was committed in the "heat of passion", challenging the prosecution's identification of the correct defendant, and demonstrating that the act was committed in self defense during a criminal attempt.

The defense strategies used to fight manslaughter charges in Oklahoma are listed below.

  • Heat of Passion Defense
  • Identity Challenge Defense
  • Self-Defense in a Criminal Attempt

The choice of defense strategy is determined by the defending attorney based on the circumstances and evidence in the case.

Heat of Passion Defense

The heat of passion defense attempts do demonstrate that the defendant was provoked into a sudden and intense emotional state, such as rage or fear, which led to the killing. Using this defense requires demonstrating that this emotional state was provoked by an event that would similarly affect a reasonable person, causing a temporary loss of self-control. In order to support the "heat of passion" defense, the attorney provides evidence including witness testimony and psychological evaluations to corroborate the defendant's emotional state at the time of the incident.

Challenging Identity Defense

The "challenging identity" defense aims to demonstrate that the defendant is not the individual who committed the manslaughter. The challenging identity defense requires establishing reasonable doubt regarding the defendant's presence at the crime scene or involvement in the incident. To support this defense, the attorney will present evidence such as alibi witnesses, DNA testing, and fingerprint analysis to prove that the defendant was not involved. This strategy emphasizes discrediting the prosecution's identification of the defendant as the perpetrator, highlighting discrepancies in witness testimonies and the lack of concrete evidence linking the defendant to the crime. The goal is to show that the defendant was mistakenly identified and is not responsible for the death in question.

Resisting Criminal Attempt Defense

The "resisting criminal attempt" defense seeks to demonstrate that the defendant's actions were in response to an imminent threat or criminal act being perpetrated against them, which lead to the death of the aggressor. The resisting criminal attempt defense requires that the defense establish that the defendant was in immediate danger and that their response was a necessary and proportionate reaction to the threat. To support this defense, the attorney will present evidence including witness testimonies, surveillance footage, and forensic analysis to corroborate the claim that the defendant was resisting an ongoing criminal attempt, such as an assault or robbery. This strategy seeks to justify the defendant's actions as a legitimate act of self-defense.

How to Hire a Manslaughter Defense Attorney in OKC

Hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney includes researching potential attorneys, scheduling an initial consultation, evaluating each attorney's level of expertise, verifying their credentials, and finalizing an agreement with the chosen attorney. At the Law offices of Adam R. Banner, P.C. we have a strong track record of delivering the best possible outcome for client's facing charges of first degree and second degree manslaughter in the state of Oklahoma. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

What Does Manslaughter Mean Under Oklahoma Law?

Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a person without malice aforethought. Manslaughter is classified into first-degree and second-degree categories under Oklahoma's manslaughter laws. First-degree manslaughter includes killings committed in the heat of passion without intent to cause death, deaths resulting from a misdemeanor, acts of cruelty towards a child, and deaths occurring while resisting a criminal attempt. Second-degree manslaughter generally involves deaths caused by negligence or recklessness without intent to kill.